1. Once power and connection are confirmed the bridge can be discovered on the network using the following tool or using Steps 2-4 and the units MAC address:

The CHeKT AI Server will come with default credentials of "admin/admin" but this can be changed in two locations.
It can be changed when adding the AI Server to the CHeKT bridge for the first time:
(This method is currently being updated and may not be available)
It can also be changed from within the AI Server interface. Access the local UI via the IP of the AI Server and access the "System" menu. Scroll down to the authentication section where you will see options to change the password.
2. To add a camera select the "+" icon.

The CHeKT AI Server operates off of RTSP URLs. One of the easiest methods of finding the RTSP URL is to mount a camera to the CHeKT bridge and pull the info from the "Mount Information" tab:
RTSP link building information can also be found at: https://security.world/rtsp/ and https://www.ispyconnect.com/cameras
Sample RTSP link:
rtsp://xxx.xx.x.xxx:554/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=1&unicast=true&proto=Onvif |
3. Click "Site Details."
4. Click the settings gear next to the desired camera.
5. Click "Mount Status" at the bottom of the "General" page.
6. Click "Mounting Info."
7. Copy the cached snapshot stream URL.

The CHeKT AI Server saves automatically as changes are made
8. Navigate back to the CHeKT AI Server UI in Step 5.
9. Select "Add Video Source."
10. Fill in your acquired or created RTSP link and the credentials for the camera.

Be sure to not have any additional spacing in your RTSP link.
11. Click "Apply Changes" and wait for the preview video to appear on the right.
12. Once the preview video has appeared select "Configure" to begin zone and analytic creation.
13. Select "Tracking."
14. On the Tracking Engine drop-down menu select the Deep Learning (DL) Object Tracker. The Deep Learning tracker improves in its classification the longer it remains on.
15. Click the back arrow to return to the main menu.
16. Click on "Zones".
17. Click "Create Zone".
18. Draw the desired zone and set the color filter. Color filter has no overall effect; simply dealer choice.
19. Once you have drawn your zone click "Configure Rules" to add the desired analytics.
20. Click "Add Rule"
21. Select the Object Dwell analytic for an intrusion zone. Be sure to select the zone that will trigger the analytic.
22. After setting the initial "Object Dwell" rule create an additional "Object Filter" rule to be triggered via the "Object Dwell" rule. This will install a custom filter over the zone. Be sure to select the rule that will be the source for the filter.
23. Set the parameters of the "Object Filter" rule.
24. Access the "Burnt In Annotation" menu to configure what will be shown on the camera view (binding boxes, labeling etc).
25. To add the AI Server back into the CHeKT bridge follow the normal camera mounting steps.
26. Click "Add" and "Add Camera."
27. Select the desired channel on the CHeKT bridge.
28. Select the AI Server from the search screen.
29. Fill in the credentials for the bridge and click "Authenticate."
30. The AI Server will present itself like a recorder or multi lens camera. After authentication select the channel of the camera you wish to mount and follow the normal process.
31. Repeat steps 26-30 for each camera to be added to the CHeKT bridge from the AI Server.