The site contacts play an important role in the verifaction of an event via an sms text message. These text verifcations sms are sent by a live operator via the monitoring portal to the customers of a site, these include: the owner of a property, a mananger, or a key holder. Its important to only add those who are in a position to make a critical decision such as requesting to dispatch a police and or disregarding the alarm event. The contact added must be that of a cellular phone number in order to receive the verification text , landline phone numbers do not work with this feature. Please follow the instructions below on how to create, add, and verify a contact.
1. Name: Full Name of the Contact
2. Phone: An SMS Phone number used for sending an alarm verification request to the customer’s phone. It is recommended that you validate this number to ensure a message can be sent to the phone number entered.
3. Email (Optional): By default email accounts are not used for alarm verification. Check this box if you would like an alarm verification request sent by email. This email is in addition to the SMS message sent to the cell number above.
4. Title & Slot Number (Optional): The slot number and title, if applicable, should be provided to the monitoring center so that they can be added to the contact and location slot number in their automation platform. This information, if added, will also be part of the record in the automation platform of this users activity when receiving a Verification Text.
5. Click Create

By clicking send, the dealer portal will send the customer a text message with a link that will present them with a welcoming message, an introduction video, and a comformation button. Is important for the customer to watch this video to understand how the verification text works and will need to click the confirmation button on in order to accept and complete this process.
The information highlighted in yellow, is replaced by your Security Company's Name and Logo.
This area of the contact slot will allow you, as the dealer, to verify whether a number is valid or not, and if the customer has confirmed the welcome message or not. An invalid number will not show a green valid number banner and upon sending the Welcome Message Text, the dealer portal will udpate with a Send Error indicating that the number is either most likely a landline or the carrier is unreachable. A yellow pending confirmation banner will change to a blue confirmed banner once the customer clicks the confirm button in the welcome message link, therefore completing this process.
If the number provided by the customer is in fact a cellular number, and the dealer portal presents a send error, is most likely that the customer has their sms disabled, they can not accept sms, or thier carrier is unreachable. Please contact our support team to investigate and asess the issue.
Thank you for reading!