DW Spectrum Server - (RTSP Mounting)

DW Spectrum Server - (RTSP Mounting)

The Digital Watchdog Spectrum Server can be used to provide the CHeKT Bridge with a video stream by utilizing an RTSP URL. This is required in applications where the IP cameras are located on a segmented camera network of the DW Spectrum server.   

Each camera channel will be mounted with the following RTSP URL example: rtsp://<management_lan_server_ip>:<port>/<camera_id>&resolution=480p
Note: It's recommended that you use a resolution value of 480p.  

The directions below, we will demonstrate how to obtain the RTSP URL from the camera list, and how to mount it to the CHeKT Bridge.

DW Spectrum Server-Client Software:

Server Management LAN IP and Port Number:

  1. This information is available on the "Routing Management" section of System Administration.

Target Camera ID:

  1. With the target camera selected in the device list, open the Camera options:

  2. Under the "General" Tab, Select "More Info"
  3. Use the "copy' Option for the Camera ID:

With the information acquired above, you will have an RTSP URL like the following: rtsp://
  1. You can test this URL in a program like VLC Media Player, to ensure it is working properly. You will need the server username and password require to view and mount the stream.
  2. Paste the URL you created into a note document for the "CHeKT Portal Camera Mounting steps below. 

DW Spectrum Server Web Interface:

Server Management LAN IP and Port Number:

  1. This information is available in the Server Settings section.

Tagert Camera ID:

  1. View ->  Select Taget Camera.
  2. With the target camera selected in the device list, open the Camera Details.

  3. Use the "Copy" option for Camera ID.

With the information acquired above, you will have an RTSP URL like the following: rtsp://
  1. You can test this URL in a program like VLC Media Player, to ensure it is working properly. You will need the server username and password require to view and mount the stream.
  2. Paste the URL you created into a note document for the "CHeKT Portal Camera Mounting steps below. 

CHeKT Portal Camera Mounting: 

  1. Access the CHeKT Dealer Portal and Navigate to the Device Tab for the target customer:

  2. Open the Bridge Settings:

  3. Select the Channels Tab:
  4. Select the target Channel:

  5. Choose Manual:

  6. SelectVideo Stream URL.

  7. Enter the URL you retrieved from the server:

  8. Use the server username and password for Authentication.
  9. The portal will provide a sample snapshot of the video stream. Click "Next" to Mount
  10. Add Description and Zone Information.

  11. Click Finish
  12. *RTSP Method does not support ONVIF alarm communication method. 

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