Event Viewer & Incident Reports

Event Viewer & Incident Reports

Event Viewer & Incident Reports

The new site Event Viewer report is designed to give security companies a quicker view of events and critical activity at a Site Account. The Incident Report feature allows security dealers to build a customized PDF documents from events in the Event Viewer report. Once a report is created, it can be shared with the customer or various agencies. In addition, the PDF document will live on the site for the life of the account, allowing you to have a record of all recorded incidents.

Creating and Sharing an Incident Report

1. Click "Create Incident Report" builder Tab. 

a set of new tabs will appear "Cancel Create" & "Create Report" 

2. Select the Events from the Event Viewer list you wish to add to the Incident Report. As you begin selecting events, the Create Report tab will begin to increase in number value according to the ammount of events selected.

Clicking an unwanted event from the Event Viewer list will remove the event from the report selection, clicking the "Clear" tab will remove all selected events.

3. Click "Create Report" and fill out the pertinet information on the next page.

5. After filing out the pertinent information in the available fields, click "Create Report" to save and then click "OK" on the pop-up window

6. The Incident Report is now saved and will remain on record for the life of the Site Account or until it's manually deleted.

7. To share and download the Incident Report, click the three dot tab and make a selection.

Clicking the Report or selecting the "View Detail" will open the following page from where the report can also be shared by email or downloaded as PDF file. 

To share the report via email, click the "Shared by Email" tab and fill out the pertinent information on the pop-up window

Then click "Send" and "Okay" 

Clicking the "View Email Sharing Records" will showcase the date, time, and recipients of the shared Incident Report.

Thank you for reading. 
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