How much internet bandwidth does the CHeKT Bridge use?
Data usage is an important factor to consider with any remote visual monitoring platform. The upload speed of the locations Internet Service Provider (ISP) is what will impact a central station's ability to view the video in a real-time manner. The CHeKT Visual Monitoring platform and Video Bridge are designed to ensure that the customer internet upload bandwidth is used in an efficient manner. The Video Bridge only uploads video to the CHeKT AWS cloud when there is an alarm event or video has been requested by the monitoring center. During all other conditions, the video remains local to the site.
LAN - (Local Area Network): The internal network of a site that includes all the local devices within the location's router. Bandwidth in this LAN is typically high and can support local streaming of cameras to both a Bridge and a network recorder 24x7.
WAN - (Wide Area Network): The external side of a site's network that refers to the connection from the router to the global internet. The WAN is typically provided by a regional ISP and the upload and download speeds of a WAN are based on the availability of the area and the service level paid for by the client. WAN networks typically can not support the streaming of cameras 24x7. The primary factor that affects this is the upload speed of a site. The upload refers to the bandwidth available to push data out from a site to the internet.
Here is an overview of how the CHeKT Video Bridge Device and the cloud Video Monitoring Portal function:
- On the LAN side, the Bridge connects to
the RTSP stream of all assigned cameras. The Bridge maintains a consent connection to the RTSP stream of each camera. On the LAN the Bridge is receiving this RTSP steam 24 hrs per day. The Bridge is not recording, but continually maintaining a video buffer of 2 minutes on each camera channel. This function allows the Bridge to create a pre-alarm video when an alarm trigger occurs. The bridge minimizes LAN bandwidth and maximizes
efficiency and speed by:
- Connecting to the
Secondary stream of the cameras.
Adjust the stream to about 6 FPS and a resolution of 720p
- On the WAN connection, the Bridge does not upload or stream video 24x7. The only time video is uploaded from a site to the CHeKT cloud is during the following situations.
- An Alarm Zone Event: We
upload 8 Snapshots (4 Seconds of video, ~ 240KB to 560KB of data per clip.) & one 20s Mp4 video file, ~ 1Mb of data.
- Requested Live Video Monitoring Portal: When the video alarm is processed and someone is using the monitoring
portal to view cameras live. (2 Minutes is ~ 3MB - 10MB of data per camera.) An Alarm Zone Event: We upload 8 Snapshots (4 Seconds of video, ~ 240KB to 560KB of data per clip.)
- Bridge Health Monitoring: The CHeKT Monitoring Portal performs health monitoring of all Bridges to ensure they are still online. This occurs every 60 seconds and is ~ 10KB of data usage.
- An idle Bridge over the course of 30 days will use about 60MB of upload data for health and status monitoring.
What data rates are required to support the CHeKT Remote Video Monitoring service?
- The upload speed should not be less than 1.5Mbps
- The download speed should not be less than 1.5Mbps

The total amount of data used by a site is based on the number of alarm events from a site, the number of cameras streamed to the CHeKT cloud, and the amount of live video monitoring time performed by a remote monitoring center.
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