How to replace an installed Bridge with a new unit.
If you need to replace an existing Bridge with a new unit, it is important that you do not delete the installed device. The proper method of replacing a Bridge with a new unit is defined below. The process involves "Unresisting" the current Bridge and "Registering" a new Bridge. It is very important to follow these steps to ensure that you retain all the Bridge configuration settings.
1. Go to the Bridge Settings by clicking the gear in the devices window:
2. Click the 3 Dots on the top right-hand corner to expand the menu, and click the "Unregister Device" Button
4. Confirm your selection by clicking the Red "Unregister" button.
5. Now Register the replacement bridge in the same location following the familiar process and the configuration information will retain.
*Always Verify all cameras have reconnected prior to moving on with other operational testing; this may take a few minutes
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