Monitoring Portal Site Procedures

Monitoring Portal Site Procedures

The Monitoring Portal now has the ability to input annotations for any kind of Directions and Procedures that should be made evident for Operators when events occur.
To begin, lets make sure we're in the right place for inputting information.

When you log into your dealer account you'll be at the Dashboard. Click on your customer base and make the correct site selection to begin.

Navigate to the Monitoring tab and you'll see your site as well as each camera that is associated with that site.
When you select Monitoring, you will automatically be taken to the Directions tab.

The first line that will appear when you enter the Monitoring Directions is for site wide annotations.

You can add any instructions here for the Monitoring Portal. It will remain on top of all pages regardless of where you are in the Monitoring Portal until you click the "x" in the top right to close the window.

Once you've completed all instructions necessary, click Save and there will be a prompt to Finalize the instructions.

It is imperative to understand that when you finalize these Directions that the Monitoring Station that is watching over your sites will first review the annotations that you've created. This is not an automatic process. After your Monitoring Station accepts the Directions they will be made visible when viewed on the Monitoring Portal.

Note: If you close the window and are unable to recall what was noted, refresh the page and the note will reappear - as seen below.

All following lines on the Directions page will be camera specific annotations along with Threat Level details to determine what should be done in any instance while a site is armed.
Input all appropriate information for each specific camera and save.
Threat Levels can be explained on the CHeKT - Central Station Training page found Here.
You can view the PDF on the site or download a personal copy to your desktop.
Tags are also used to label camera's, such as the type of camera or the location.
See the example below, labeled with the red arrow.

Once you've saved your annotations for both the Site Directions and Camera Directions, you can view both notations when selecting the camera in the Monitoring Portal.
For this example, I'm using our 180 degree camera and listed the Threat Levels in order.
Clicking on the tab in the bottom right corner will expand or collapse the details of the Camera or Site Directions.

Finally, adding a Procedure to specific cameras is useful when needing a quick response when in a live environment.
Due to events being categorized from Threat Levels or other Directions that have been given, Procedures were made to be used as quick response automation rules to help deter intruders.

To add a new Procedure, scroll to the bottom of the Directions page and you can begin customizing what rules you want to use.

For this example, I'm using the 180 degree camera and setting up two separate Procedures.
Procedure #1 - Talkdown (TR) 0
Procedure #2 - 2m Recording (TR) 2


After each Procedure has been saved you can view each of the Procedures when in the Monitoring Portal under the camera Directions.

When clicking on the Procedure, you will be prompted to confirm the Procedure by clicking on Launch and the Procedure will execute.

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