Advanced Options
Automation Rule Scenarios: Common and Advanced Use-Case Examples
With the 5.0 Firmware Version, the array of options to build, filter and suppress CHeKT Automated Rules have been expanded. The purpose of this article is to share some examples of rule combinations that can be used for practical applications in the ...
List of known and Tested HTTP Commands for Camera Functions
Dealers can use CHeKT Automation Rules to create web requests on local devices out the the field. The chart below lists HTTP URLs that have been verified to work with the listed model. If you are looking for a CHeKT Camera URL request that is not ...
CHeKT Cloud AI Filtering: A Practical Setup Guide
CHeKT Cloud AI filtering is available to all CHeKT Dealers on the CHeKT Professional and Premium plans; it offers an additional level of false alarm prevention to be used in tandem with the intelligent analytic detection on the mounted camera. How it ...
Enabling Local API Service on the Bridge
The Bridge API Service feature is online availble on the premium plans. Dealers desiring to use the Bridge API feature will need to upgrade their CHeKT Dealer account to the Professional or Premium plan. Before proceeding, you will want to have a ...
CHeKT Bridge Local Web Interface (Admin Tool)
The CHeKT Bridge can be accessed via the web browser from a device on the same Local Area Connection. This is not normally required for basic set up, but offers another method to interface with the unit and can allow for configuration when the device ...
The CHeKT Bridge Network Reset Button
The CHeKT Bridge Network Reset Button The CHeKT Bridge Units come with a physical button designed to default the network configuration saved on that unit. The purpose of this button is to allow an installer to return the network parameters of that ...
Remote Access for Connecting to Site Cameras and Recorders
With the Remote Access feature available on your CHeKT Bridge companies can remotely connect to the web interface of any camera or recorder paired to a Bridge channel. This remote access feature can save your company significant time and money by ...
Using the Camera Authentication Tab
Dealer Portal Users now have access to a new tab titled "Camera Authentication." Access the settings on a camera mounted to your Bridge: The primary function of this feature is to allow the user to re-attempt a connection to a particular (likely ...
Mounting Cameras Using the Video Stream URL Function (RTSP)
Using the video stream URL to mount a camera to the CHeKT Bridge is recommended when the standard API mounting process will not allow connection to the camera stream. We recommend using The Standard Camera Mounting Process whenever possible. These ...
How to replace an installed Bridge with a new unit.
If you need to replace an existing Bridge with a new unit, it is important that you do not delete the installed device. The proper method of replacing a Bridge with a new unit is defined below. The process involves "Unresisting" the current Bridge ...
Transfer CHeKT Bridge to new Customer
IMPORTANT: Please make sure the bridge has been updated to the latest Firmware before beginning this procedure. The process of transferring a bridge to a different customer involves unregistering from the current customer, and then registering the ...