Creating a MicroKey Action Plan for Integration

Creating a MicroKey Action Plan for Integration

Building an action plan.

Integrating the CHeKT monitoring portal into MicroKey will require an action plan to be created. Once the action plan is created you can apply this to the alarm conditions you wish to launch the CHeKT monitoring portal. This can be applied at the Global level, the Dealer level, the Communicator format level or the account level. 

  • To create the action plan. Go to - "Action Plans" on the General Maintenance menu - Monitoring menu.
  • Press the "Add" button.

  • Type in a Description, Press "Save."
  • Press the "Actions" button.

Action Plan Content:
Your action plan will need the following steps

The Execute Command will need this information:


If you would like to import an XML file containing the basic action plan here is the code for the XML File:

<tree2xml app="C:\Program Files (x86)\MKS\MKMS35\MKMS.exe"><item text="Execute Command;;" imageIndex="0" stateIndex="-1" ActionType="ExecuteCommand" Caption="Execute Command" Subject="" SysID="" Script="{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs16\par \par \pard\par }" ForceNote="false" OnHold="0" OffHoldTo="-1" ResCode="006" Command="Chrome.exe/;zone=%Field_PhysicalZone%" CSID="" SignalID="" PhysicalZ="" AreaP=""/><item text="Switch To Manual;;" imageIndex="0" stateIndex="-1" ActionType="SwitchToManual" Caption="Switch To Manual" Subject="" SysID="" Script="&quot; &quot; &quot; " ForceNote="false" OnHold="0" OffHoldTo="-1" ResCode="006" Command="start /MAX Chrome.exe;zone=/%Field_PhysicalZone%" CSID="" SignalID="" PhysicalZ="" AreaP=""/></tree2xml>

Applying Action Plan.  

  • You will need to apply the newly created action plan at the level you desire.  If you are unsure, contact MicroKey or CHeKT tech support.

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