Overview of CHeKT API Integrations

Overview of CHeKT API Integrations

There are Two main methods of utilizing API calls to interface with the CHeKT solution. Our Local API method is designed to create alarms on a CHeKT Bridge channel from a local network request with a valid key; the CHeKT Cloud APIs are designed to interface with site configuration options and request site details through a cloud-based connection.

Local Hardware APIs

Dealers can utilize the CHeKT Local API to create an alarm on a desired CHeKT Bridge Channel by making a local web request directly to the bridge at its local IP
address. In most cases, these requests will source from a local network-based alarm detection appliance, such as The Camect Hub or Ava Server.
To allow this method of communication, the API must be enabled for the Bridge that will be receiving the API call

Navigate to the network page of the target Bridge: 

Select Local API Service:

Click the slider to enable:

Scroll down and generate a key. The green success message will show when the key is enabled. 

Configure desired security settings and API trigger rate limit:

Record the Port and IP information now


The Bridge is now ready to receive the local API call. Linked here are quick selection of articles pertaining to the setup to some of these detection appliances: 
  1. Camect: https://support.chekt.com/portal/en/kb/articles/integrating-camect-and-chekt
  2. Ava: https://support.chekt.com/portal/en/kb/articles/ava-and-chekt-integration
  3. Cawamo: https://support.chekt.com/portal/en/kb/articles/integrating-cawamo-with-chekt

Cloud API Integration:

Dealers can utilize the CHeKT Cloud API to make changes to site configuration, or request/edit site details. Contacts can be added, bridges can be armed/disarmed and even the video verification text message can be initialized by making the authorized API call with the correct unique key.
To allow this method of communication, the API Key must be generated for the Dealer Account  that will  be receiving the API requests

Click on the configurations Gear when logged in the dealer portal:

Locate the API Keys option at the bottom, under Developer Settings:  

On the CHeKT Integration Page, there is a link to the API Document near the top of the page, and a button to create an API key

Pressing the button will prompt a notification that only 5 keys can be created: 

Click Create.
Name the Key and click next

This next screen will show you the Unique Key that is required to make changes to the account. The Key will need to be retained, and will not be recoverable in the dealer portal by users or support staff for sercuity reasons. Retain the key; a new key will need to be generated if this one is compromised.

This CHeKT Dealer account is now prepared to receive API requests as outlined in the linked documentation.

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