Stages Integration with CHeKT
Initial One Time Setup: Receiver Setup
- Setup the API Connection
from our Cloud into Stages for alarm signals.
- See how to create a new XML connection to your automation platform.
- Add the CHEKT specific
Contact ID codes into Stages
- See CHeKT Contact ID code list here.
- Build a Global Action
Plan for CHeKT that uses the Device URL and has "Auto" open

Setting up a customer account in Stages.
- Create the CHeKT Transmitter for the customer. In many cases, this will be a
second transmitter on that customer account in stages.
- Create a customer in the
CHeKT Dealer Portal and programming the Stages Transmitter ID created in step 1 above.
- See here for how to create a new customer.
- Programming of the monitoring station.
- In Stages define the
"Device URL" field for both the burg panel transmitter and the
CHEKT transmitter device.
- Use the following URL:[point]
- The
Site value will come from the account in the CHeKT Portal for this

- The
Zone value is a parameter that Stages will automatically insert.
- With this setup, any alarm that an operator handles will automatically launch the CHeKT monitoring portal and direct the operator to the customer site and
specific camera in alarm.
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