Creating a New Customer Site
Click "Customers" on the left-hand navigation bar.
- Click the '+' button
- Set the site name and address in the provided fields.

When entering the Address, the module will initiate a Google address match search. Be sure to select the proper address from the provided list of found options. If a google address is not available, then use the 'Edit Manually' option.
- If necessary, select the Monitoring Station that will be receiving signals from this site, and enter the unique account identifier (s) provided by the Monitoring Station to link the account. If the site does not need to communicate with a monitoring station, this information can be left blank.
- Select an arming method for the customer site.
Define the Contact ID alarm codes for each zone type. Enabled alarm codes are highlighted in blue, and the enable field has the green check. Click the zone type to modify a code.

Typically these are left as the default settings, changes here only affect this site. To define your default dealer alarm codes go to your dealer settings:
Configuring your XML Alarm Library 
With the completion of this step, the newly created site information will display in the Portal Overview:
To roll right into the bridge registration, click:
To review account details of the newly created account, click:
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